Missions Statement

The New Hope family is dedicated to taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our Community, our Nation, and to all ends of the World. We believe that God is sovereign, and His Word is inerrant, and that He uses sovereign means to accomplish His will. We are commanded by Jesus in Matthew 28 to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” There is no river that we won’t cross, wall that we won’t tear down, or mountain that we won’t climb, to reach the lost and point them toward the gift of salvation offered freely by Jesus our Lord and Savior. We as members of the New Testament Church are given power by the Holy Spirit to “witness in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the Earth.” Acts1:8

New Hope is a “Missions Minded Church“, and our goal is to serve those in need by whatever means necessary, and in doing so, offer them the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Michelle Everett

Missions Director